The Trauma of Rape

I think it is essential to be aware of what is considered sexual trauma.

The following was taken from Peace Over Violence (

"Types of Sexual Violence

Stranger Rape:

Is Rape or sexual assault perpetrated by someone unknown to the survivor?

Blitz Sexual Assault:

The perpetrator rapidly and brutally assaults the victim with no prior contact. Blitz assaults usually occur at night in a public place.

Contact Sexual Assault:

The perpetrator works to gain trust and confidence before assaulting.

Home Invasion Sexual Assault:

The perpetrator breaks into the survivor's home to commit the assault.

Acquaintance Rape:

Acquaintance Rape, the most common form of Rape, is an umbrella term used to describe sexual assaults in which the survivor and the perpetrator are known to each other, whether by passing acquaintance or someone the survivor knows intimately.

Child Sexual Abuse:

It is a form of child abuse that includes sexual activity with a minor. A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period. When a perpetrator engages with a child this way, they are committing a crime that can have lasting effects on the victim for years. Child sexual abuse does not need to include physical contact between a perpetrator and a child. Some forms of child sexual abuse include Obscene phone calls, text messages, or digital interaction; Fondling; Exhibitionism, or exposing oneself to a minor; Masturbation in the presence of a minor or forcing the minor to masturbate; Intercourse; Sex of any kind with a minor, including vaginal, oral, or anal; Producing, owning, or sharing pornographic images or movies of children; Sex trafficking; Any other sexual conduct that is harmful to a child's mental, emotional, or physical welfare.

Statutory Rape:

Statutory Rape is defined as unlawful intercourse with a minor. California law mandates that an adult cannot have sex with a minor, and a minor cannot have sex with another minor, even if the intercourse was consensual.

Spousal/Partner Rape:

It is between two individuals who are in a relationship. Women who have been physically abused by their partner have often experienced sexual abuse and haven't disclosed or did not realize sexual violence does not always include physical violence, making it difficult to acknowledge the abuse.


It is defined as sexual abuse by a relative or sexual contact/abuse between family members.

Serial Rape:

The term serial rape describes a series of rapes committed on different occasions by the same perpetrator. An important distinction is that this term is rarely used to describe marital or date Rape, even though these types of rapes can happen repeatedly. Instead, the serial rapist has multiple victims.

Substance Facilitated Rape:

It occurs when alcohol or drugs are used to compromise an individual's ability to consent to sexual activity.

Multiple Perpetrator/Gang Rape:

It occurs when two or more perpetrators act together to assault the same victim sexually.

Sexual Harassment:

It is unwanted and unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with your life, work, or education.

Date Rape:

It is a specific kind of acquaintance rape referring to assault(s) experienced by the victim from the person they are on the date with."

Rape is a traumatic event that leaves women feeling powerless, guilty, fearful, scared, dirty, and like something is wrong with them, just to name a few emotions. “

The Trauma of Rape and Treatment at Southern Pine Counseling

The Houston Chronicle, from January 26th, 2024, called Texas has higher rape rates than other states and cites that for every 100,000 women in Texas, 1,000 will experience Rape. Rape is never okay, and it is never your fault.

After experiencing rape, you need support. At Southern Pine Counseling, we treat trauma every day. We know what it looks like, how it impacts you, and how to help. When you meet with us, the first thing we will do is hear your life story. We do not ask you to go into details of your rape during your first appointment, and likely, even the following several appointments. For us, it is essential to get to know you. I want to hear about how this is impacting your life and then work to teach you coping skills and increase your self-confidence. Once you are in a place where the world does not feel like it is on fire around you and things start to get more accessible, you begin to work on the trauma of rape. We break the trauma into pieces so it is not as overwhelming and work on each aspect of the trauma piece by piece.

Over time, as you work with us, you regain your power. You will believe in your value. Begin to feel safe again and rid yourself of the traumatic symptoms that you are tormented by. Please do not wait. You do not have to continue to live in fear, to live with shame, guilt, sadness, or stress from this experience. You deserve to set yourself free and find joy in life again.


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